Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And the word is... Semester

So today is the first day of classes for the new semester here at UVA - Ahh school how I missed thee *gags* - and I am already counting down the days until it is over. Okay, maybe that is stretching it a bit, but here's the Gospel truth.

For anyone who has ever pursued a higher education, you have probably had some type of experience with a little thing called money. For me, my parents and grandmother have been huge blessings by being so willing to help. Another special lady who was very excited to help me, in exchange for a small fee of course, was Miss Sallie Mae.

Now, Miss Sallie Mae is a wonderful woman. She and her friend Freddie Mac are always willing to lend out money. The only thing is that they both have very specific qualifications for the recipients of their generosity. For example, I called up good ol' Sallie a few months ago when I decided to make the move to UVA. She said she would gladly help me out so long as I did well in school and always always promised to be a full time student, killing myself for at least 12 credits. I agreed.

Then, when it came time to schedule my classes for this semester, I hit a few road bumps. I couldn't get into some necessary classes that were full, the times didn't fit, you know... the usual. So I went to someone who could help and got into the three Psych classes I absolutely had to be in."Awesome" I thought, "I don't have anything to worry about now! All I have to do is sign up for one more class!!" Well, with my break being as unfortunate as it was, I didn't have the motivation to email countless Profs and search through hundreds of classes to find one to fit my schedule.

I asked around for some suggestions and settled on a Sociology class, Society and Law. Unfortunately, I was not quick enough and had to settle for being placed on the wait list. Well, I went to the class today, with all the paperwork necessary to officially enroll with the help of the professor. What was his second announcement? That he would not be overloading anyone into the class. Anyone. Into the class. You know what that meant? He wasn't going to overload anyone into the class. Great!

Did I mention that without this class, I only have 11 credits? That means, and I know for a fact because I called her and asked yesterday, that my pal Sallie won't be giving me any money because I'm not holding up my end of the deal and am only enrolled for 11 credits. "Take a yoga class" they say. "Do this easy class with us" I hear. "Just take any PE class because they are 1 credit" I am told. Yeah! Great!! ...except every single PE class overlaps with my other classes. No lie. Every one.

Here I sit, in some random building at UVA -which is actually very cozy and may become a safe haven for me this semester because they have really comfy cushy chairs and outlets on the floor here - but I digress. Anyways, here I sit, after almost 3 hours of searching the catalog and how many classes work? 1. One. Uno. Un. Jeden. Chit.... which is not a curse word, merely a shout out to my reader/s in Taiwan). And what class may that be that could work? A Sociology class about the family that I would love love love to take...... but has a waitlist of nearly 50 people. My only hope is that the Teacher's Aide, who happened to be the leader of my SOC class last semester, will remember me, have pity, and work with me on convincing the professor to overload me into this class.

OH MY GOSH! GUESS WHAT?? In the middle of writing this, I just got an email from the aforementioned Teacher's Aide. He said he cannot promise I will be into the class, but that he talked to the Prof about adding more students in my situation and he has agreed to speak to us during office hours!!! Ohhhh sweet sugar! Boy, I hope this pans out!!! I will absolutely be posting a response blog on Monday.... but until then, I like to remain consistent. Therefore, we shall return to a negative tone for the remainder of this blog. My apologies for the brief glimmer of excitement and hope. ;)

So, as I was saying, I am sitting here, hoping and praying, that I can get into just one more class for this semester. If not, Miss Mae has told me I will not be getting that precious refund. I mean, if not, it's okay. All I need that money for are little things like, food, paying my bills, buying school supplies, and rent. Eh. Nothing big.

So here's to a new semester! Uuugh

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