Saturday, February 5, 2011

And the word is... Moo

You've heard the saying "When pigs fly", but what about "When cows ride the trolley"? I think it should be a thing. We can use it to represesnt something that doesn't happen often, but still can - unlike pigs flying which will happen even less.

Luckily for you folks, I have incredible luck and actually got a picture of this phenomenon of trolley-riding cows.

On December 17, 2010, after a long and intensive day of final exams, I hopped on the trolley to get home and rest. Nothing special, right? Right. Well, that is until I spotted the boarding bovine.

Yes, ladies and gents, a heffer walked right onto my trolley. I couldn't believe my eyes. I swear, when someone was taking up two seats, I heard her say, "Umm, excuse me, but you're taking up two seats. Could you mmmmMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOve?"

I didn't get a sound recording, but you won't believe your eyes...

Oh wow... I just noticed her LV ("LV") bag.

I understand, some people like cow print things. And every once in a while you can get away with wearing them. Hats, bags, socks, maybe coats... but never more than one at a time. You can't see from this picture, but her coat was actually 3/4-length. Wow.

Oh... and she also was looking right at me while I stook this. Yikes!

Well, here is my awesome blog for today. Can anyone tell me why I'm craving a cheesburger for dinner now?

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