Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And the word is... Backwards

You know how you have those days when you want to look extra sexy? Meh. Me neither.

Well, today, I was almost to that point, but since it was in the 20's outside, I went for warm instead. Okay... warm and hot. ;)

Despite being 10 minutes late to class, I was feeling fine in my warm, black cashmere V-neck sweater. I had on a nice pair of Express jeans, some brown suede shoes (YES - brown and black and it looked good, thank you!) and a sweet H&M tan scarf that is like 2 miles long and thin as paper.

Well, I finished the class, and then went to the library to study for Final Exams. As you can imagine, the library was packed full of students eagerly preparing for this, the favorite two-week span at UVA. I finally found an open computer on the back wall, farthest away from everything. After I worked on my homework, I had to get up and go to the printer, stand in a line of about 7 or 8 people, then wait for the paper to print. I decided to be the good student and go ahead and hand-deliver it to my professor's box. So, I walk out of the library and through the building only to discover I would have to leave it with the receptionist. Okay, no biggy. So I make my way back to the corner and proceed to compose a few emails and study some more.

After some time, I decide to print of my Greek Art study guide. So, I go wait in a line of about 15 people this time. Click the print info. Wait for a girl's novel to print. Retrieve study guide. Begin to walk back. Make a horrifying discovery.

Now, mind you, I had gotten to school about 9:30am. It is now nearing 2:00pm. The library is packed and I've been walking around Grounds like the big man on campus because I'm hot stuff. So what was my mortifying discovery?

My sexy black, V-neck sweater.... was on.... backwards! Yes, ladies and gents, backwards. Here I was, seeing people watch me all morning, thinking it was because I was lookin' good. Nope. It was because I am an idiot.

Eh, no problem. With a face as red as a fire truck, once my heart had resumed beating, I made a dash back to my computer station and wrapped my neck up in that paper-scarf. Who cared if it was hot as summer in there? Not me, that's for sure. I decided to cut my study session a little early and left to remedy this terrible error.

No worries now though. I was reminded on my FaceBook today that I must just be bringing back the Kris Kross style:

Ok... so I don't plan on making this a fashion statement, but you have to admit... it's a convenient excuse!

1 comment:

  1. "You know how you have those days when you want to look extra sexy?"

